Outline Your Brand Story in 3 Simple Steps

weird confession… you ready?

When I was a kid, every time I started a book I ALWAYS read the last sentence before the first sentence.

Why? Because it helped me envision the ending. 

I stopped the habit when I realized that knowing how a story book ends ruins the charm of the story. PLUS- it’s a pretty unrealistic expectation to hold on to. If adulthood teaches you one thing, it’s that you can plan and plan and dream and set goals and plan some more—but you still have no clue how your story is going to end. You just have to trust the next chapter because YOU are the author. 

Now, if you’re thinking, “this all sounds great, but so much has happened in my journey that I don’t even know where to begin!”

Lemme help ya out: Here’s how you can outline your brand story in 3 simple steps!


First, let’s define brand story. A brand story is a narration of the events that occurred from the beginning of your business ownership to what drives your company’s mission today. Your brand story always starts at baseline before moving into conflict and resolution (but, we’ll get to those later).

Consider your baseline the uninterrupted version of your story; the part where you were just starting out, excited to learn and grow & felt like nothing could get in your way. You know, before the conflict occurs.

As creative entrepreneurs, we all started somewhere. Whether you were 6 or 26 when you realized your passion for business ownership, it’s important that your brand story begins with the status quo. Where does your story begin?

Need an example? I got one for ya:

Disney’s Cinderella has an unfortunate status quo. After losing both of her parents, she’s forced to act as her evil step-mother’s maid; her evil step-sisters treating her no better. TBH, her life sucks. 

that is, until she owns the hell out of her conflict (part 2 of her brand story).

Picture Cinderella’s story without any conflict. It would have been a lot more boring, I tell ya what.


Cinderella was a just another teenage girl in a a town ruled by a royal family. The prince was held a fancy ball to try to find a princess to marry. Cinderella went to the ball with her super friendly step-sisters. None of them hit it off romantically with the prince but they had so much in common that they became best friends. The end. 

This version of the classic fairytale just doesn’t have the same ring to it, right?

Stories need conflict to be relatable. There’s gotta be an emotional journey, a little drama, to keep your audience at the edge of their seat. This is where the raw & real you makes the biggest impact. People tend to react positively when you show a little vulnerability—they see it as brave and truthful. I’d bet $100 that your story isn’t perfect, but it’s not about perfection. It’s about proving that you are willing to get your hands dirty and fight for what you believe in. 

Don’t be afraid to highlight your conflict. It’s what makes you human & your brand a whole lot more relatable. I promise. 

now for the happy ending…

FYI: Your story is gonna have a lot of baselines, conflicts, and resolutions throughout your journey (that’s a good thing, it means you’re still breathing). 

So, take a second to think about it. How did you overcome the bullshit presented to you during times of conflict? Did you change your business model? Did you open a brick & mortar storefront? Did you hire your first employee? 

Now, tie it all together in a perfect (lol) little bow. How did your journey impact the way your business is run today?

there ya have it. all the pieces to your brand story puzzle.

Now, all you have to do is piece your story together in a way that makes your audience think, “Hey! This sounds a whole lot like what I’ve been though!” To make that process simple, download the Brand Story Outline Template below. It’s a quick & easy way to get your baseline, conflict, and resolution on paper. You can fill in the deets later.

Happy writing!

rather have someone help you craft your brand story instead of write it yourself?

That’s where I come in.

As a copy + content writer, I’m here to hold your hand on this crazy bumpy ride we call entrepreneurship. Together, we’ll focus on writing an irresistible next chapter, putting your brand story one step closer to the Best Seller List. 

Let’s set up a time to chat about your copy and/or content writing needs.


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